Saturday, September 6, 2008

only in 3rd world countries :D

As we were driving to the factory (Cibitung area), we saw a very interesting view of 2 over loaded trucks! They're hilarious!  We wouldn't dare go near it as it was leaning very much to the left (as if it was READY to fall over - and we wouldn't be surprised if they did!) whenever the truck hit all those deep asphalt dents and whenever the road turned :s...they were finally stopped by a road patrol hahahahahaha.

super delicious soy bean snack

I LOVEEEEEEEE this snack!  My aunt from Singapore always buy them everytime she comes to's SUPER delicious :) and "healthy" too ;) hahahahhaa

loving this smock dress shop

Last week, at Ursulin Bazaar, I stumbled upon a wonderful little stall which sold beautiful smocking dresses.  I've been looking for good quality smocked dresses with nice cotton materials.  The dresses remind me of my dresses when I was a kid.  My mom loves smocked dresses, I guess that's where I got my obsession from.  This place has it all :) It's called pretty stitches.  I bought 2 dresses for Emma at the bazaar, but turned out they're too big (they're for 3 years old ;p).  So, today I've finally visited their store in Prapanca (I've passed by this place many times before and been wanting to stop by before, but to no avail).  Their shop is small but lovely and they're currently expanding the shop to accommodate more spaces.  

They also sell these pretty cross stitched gifts and of course pretty dresses.  I ended up buying another dress for Emma and ordered 2 more dresses for Emma and a baptist dress for Em's soon-to-be little sister.  One of the custom order dress for Emma is similar to the front display, only in white and another one with sheer-like material.  Can't wait to see them :D.   They're also accepting smocking craft order, such as little pouches with smocking craft...very cute :)

Pretty Stitches
Jl. Prapanca Raya No. 35
Phone: 7247362
I believe they're open Monday-Saturday
Closes at 5pm on M-Th and 3pm on Sat (call to check)