Saturday, January 5, 2008

happy 6th month :)

Baby Em is now 6 months old! How time flies :).  As I was looking at her newborn pictures, I was amazed at how different she looked and how small she was.  She used to have such thick black longer now :(...I guess her head grew bigger but her hair won't grow more :) hence the BOTAK head :) hahahahaha.  She was only sleeping and eating just a few months ago...and now, she's a happy, active baby!  She could lift her body up high, can try to reach for her parents and nanny when carried by others, she's also starting to recognize people and hate sudden crowd :|. She could crawl just about everywhere she wishes, has one tooth and teething just about everywhere else *headache!* and is being potty trained :).  I love you, babe!

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