Thursday, October 4, 2007

emma turned 3 months

Emma turned 3 months on October 3rd, 2007 time flies...she can now coo and talk by herself when she wakes up in the morning and sleeps longer at night (around 9-5) and her wake time has increased!! which means I have to play and entertain her more!!! We played peek a boo today and she was gigling so loud :D...I've also re-introduced her with her old baby gym...and she seems to be interested in it now. She would stare at all the toys I hanged and would sometimes looks as if she's exploring all these new and very different toys :D from the ones she's seen before :D.

3 months also means she no longer enjoys her "magical" swing chair that would usually puts her to sleep!! and hates being put into her swing combi chair!!! She now arches her back when she's bored and cranky and constantly eating her hands which drives me NUTS!!! She's grown taller and is now 61 cm and weighs 5.63kg :D and drinks more milk than before though still at her own pace. Her neck is getting stronger and her thighs are longer and chubbier as well as her cheeks :) and she's much more interactive than before. How we love you very much, Em!

1 comment:

mommy ape said...

heyy...mommy Lia,
wow... this is one very detailed baby blog. Kind of reminding me of those heaven and hell time, taking care of a newborn. Mine is 4.5 and 3, a whole different story now.
Thanks for visiting my blog!!